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SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis

Table of Contents
Volume 2, Issue 3, pp. 293-482

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On the Solution of the Integral Equation for the Potential of Two Strips

A. K. Gautesen and W. E. Olmstead

pp. 293-306

On Lie Algebras of Difference Operators and the Special Functions of Mathematical Physics

Willard Miller, Jr.

pp. 307-327

Asymptotics for a Class of Nonanalytic Second Order Differential Equations

Philip W. Walker

pp. 328-339

Orthogonal Expansions with Positive Coefficients. II

Richard Askey

pp. 340-346

New Proof of the Addition Theorem for Gegenbauer Polynomials

B. C. Carlson

pp. 347-351

An Extension of a Class of Polynomials. II

A. M. Chak and A. K. Agarwal

pp. 352-355

On the Asymptotic Behavior of the Solution of a Nonlinear Integrodifferential Equation

Stig-Olof Londen

pp. 356-367

A Constructive Existence Theorem for a Nonlinear Elliptic Equation

Alan R. Elcrat

pp. 368-374

An Asymptotic Analysis of a Certain Hyperbolic Cauchy Problem

Donald R. Smith

pp. 375-392

Singular Points of Sturm–Liouville Series

Gilbert G. Walter

pp. 393-401

Hyperbolic Equations with Multiple Characteristics and Time Dependent Coefficients

Gideon Peyser

pp. 402-412

On a Differential Equation for the Eigenvectors of a Real Symmetric Matrix

Stephen H. Saperstone

pp. 413-419

Appell Functions and Multiple Averages

B. C. Carlson

pp. 420-430

Distribution Derivatives of Functions Harmonic in the Unit Disc

Peter Wolfe

pp. 431-434

Asymptotically Almost Periodic Solutions of a Nonlinear Volterra System

R. K. Miller

pp. 435-444

Fields Due to Electrons on an Analytic Curve

J. Korevaar and T. Geveci

pp. 445-453

Time Reversal in Abstract Cauchy Problems

Richard Saylor

pp. 454-457

A Class of Complete Orthogonal Sequences of Periodic Functions

J. L. Sox, Jr. and W. J. Harrington

pp. 458-466

Extensions of Dirichlet's Multiple Integral

Murray S. Klamkin

pp. 467-469

Extreme Eigenvalues of Toeplitz Matrices Associated with Certain Orthogonal Polynomials

John V. Baxley

pp. 470-482